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January 3, 2023

Are you a Sales rep looking to undertake D2D sales or a manager looking to adopt D2D sales and Hire D2D Reps?

Regardless of which category you fall into, we are here to broaden your horizons with the things you need to know-

  • The Basics of D2D Sales
  • The Other Intricate Details
  • The Stuff the trade won't tell you!

So, we have laid out systematically all the essential information you will need.

Let us start with the basics and save the heavy stuff for after.

What are Door-to-Door Sales?

Door-to-door sales remain an incredibly effective way to reach potential customers and increase your market share.

The key is to employ a variety of marketing and sales strategies to maximize the impact of your efforts while also actually employing (hiring) the right fit.

Since you are all caught up with the basics of door sales, we will discuss the heavy stuff we discussed.

Attention: Before you proceed reading further, please note we have diverged the information in this into two points of view, that is:

  1. A Sales Rep's Point of View
  2. A Company's Point of View

So, to save time and quickly learn what you are here for, we suggest that, based on the category you fall into, you can read what we want to convey from your Point of View.

Now that we have briefly explained what the article entails, you can proceed to read the article based on your POV.


This section of the article is primarily for new or somewhat experienced sales reps looking to venture into a career in door-to-door sales.

Here you will find the information you need to know to become the best in the game.

Wait, If you are someone who wants to become a d2d salesman, you should definitely read our blog post: Door To Door Job Guide: Is It The Right Career For You?

It is a given that in order to be the best player, you need to understand the game.

Applying the exact logic here, before anything else, a sales rep must clearly understand the D2D sales process for which you need to know the pillars.

Pillars of the D2D Sales Process

The Pillars are the essentials you need to do if you are trying to become a door sales rep.

Each step is essential to drive revenue and create relationships with customers. Let’s dive into each pillar. 


Prospecting involves finding potential buyers who are interested in your product or service. During this stage, you must identify the right target audience based on market research.

This requires researching demographics and psychographics such as age, gender, location, interests, and more. Once your ideal customer profile is identified, you can use tactics such as cold calling or email campaigns to get their attention. 


After you have identified potential buyers, it's time to qualify them by asking specific questions about their needs and wants from your product or service. These qualifying questions should help you determine if they are a good fit for what you offer or not.

This helps save time since you won’t be wasting time trying to sell something that isn’t relevant for them or trying to close deals with people who aren't likely to buy from you anyway. 


Now that you have identified and qualified prospects who might need your product or service, it's time to pitch them why they should choose your offering over competitors'.

During this stage of the process, ensure that what you're pitching ties back directly to how it will benefit the customer so they know why they should choose yours over other marketing channels.

It's also vital that your presentation style is engaging so that the customer stays invested throughout the entire process. 


Once you have successfully pitched your product/service and answered all of the customer’s questions satisfactorily, it's time to close the deal!

Closing requires strong negotiation skills and an understanding of what incentives will make a deal most attractive for both parties involved - yourself included! 


After closing a sale with a customer, it is essential not to forget about them going forward!

Maintaining consistent communication with customers post-sale is vital for them to remain satisfied with their purchase experience, which could lead to future sales opportunities.

Additionally, following up with customers allows them to provide feedback on how they feel about their purchase which can help inform future changes within your business strategy as well as improve customer relationships overall 

Considering the pillars and understanding the door-to-door selling process is crucial, but what are successful sales reps doing differently?

They understand the process that makes them a good sales rep, but what makes them Successful from Good? Read and find out!

How To Be A Successful Door To Door Salesperson?

Do the following to start walking the path with the Destination- Success instantly.

Be Prepared

Doing your research is essential when it comes to door-to-door sales. That means having all the facts about the product or service you're selling at hand and being able to answer any questions your potential customers may have.

You should also be prepared to handle objections and be aware of competing products to ensure your product stands out from the rest. 

Develop Positive Attitude 

A positive attitude is vital in any job, particularly in door-to-door sales, where you will encounter many rejections.

When people decline your offer, don't take it personally—instead, focus on finding ways to turn them around with persuasive arguments or additional information about your product or service.

When approaching people's homes, smile and introduce yourself confidently to project an air of professionalism. 

Get Organized 

Organising is everything in door-to-door sales. It's essential to keep track of leads and prioritize tasks so you can promptly follow up with each potential customer.

Keep detailed records of customer interactions and notes about how every conversation went—this will help you refine your approach for future interactions with other customers and ensure no leads slip through the cracks! 

You are now through three fundamental aspects that apply to effective salesmanship. We will now take a quick crack at a few tips to conquer every Sale.

Tips To Crush D2D Sales Quota

We have lined up 12 essential tips or rather tasks you should do as a salesman to make sure you don't just generate leads; you also convert them.

  1. Master the Product
  2. Prospect Efficiently
  3. Assign Sales Territories
  4. Automate Tedious Tasks
  5. Find the Pain
  6. Pay Attention To Body Language
  7. Pitch Perfectly
  8. Get to the “No” Faster
  9. Craft a Sales Script (Door- Sales Pitch)
  10. Learn How to Handle Objections
  11. Analyze The Data
  12. Always Follow Up

The abovementioned are pretty self-explanatory and are a must to do. After gathering all the qualitative needs, you need only one last thing- the right sales toolset to become the successful salesman we discussed.

The Ultimate Door To Door Sales Toolset

Like James Bond has a toolset for every problem, a sales rep also requires all the tools to be the best. But what are they?

Tool #1: Route Planner

Tool #2: Lead Machine

Tool #3: Appointment Setting

Tool #4: Customer Mapping

Tool #5: AutoPlays

Tool #6: CRM Integration ( Sunbase offers CRM tools

You have now reached the end of this section of the article that discussed everything from the Sales Rep's POV for selling door, and Kudos!, if you managed to read so far, but to know for sure what we are saying about executing your sales referring to the above, you need to implement it.

However, if you are keen on understanding what a company looks for in a sales rep to hire them, you could give the Company's POV a read or skip to the end, where we discuss something "The Trade Doesn't tell you".


This section is specifically for companies looking to incorporate Door to door sales and hire sales reps for the same. It discusses everything you need to know as a company looking to venture into the d2d sales game and hire for the same.

Now, to make better sense, we will go step by step with the numerous diverse products available worldwide.

If we assume your product to be "X", X could be anything and any "Y" selling and marketing technique could help you sell X, and since right now we are discussing D2D sales, Your first task would be identifying if X suits the requirement of being sold door to door.


Do you want to adopt D2D sales for your product?

If you say yes, Before investing a good deal of money in an entirely new strategy, you must research whether or not D2D is the right choice for your Product- Company- Industry.

Certain products are indeed more likely to be sold quickly using this method than others for various reasons.

And, since we can't tell if this is the right way for your product type or industry, you can contact us and ask us for clarifications you might need @Sunbase.

However, we have listed the Industries we think D2D sales are apt for.

Popular Door-to-Door Sales Industries

  • Solar Energy (Our Experts at Sunbase designed Solar Software that is the perfect choice for any solar business owner looking to streamline their operations and maximize their ROI, don't believe us? Read 5 Reasons Solar Business Owners Should Use Sunbase Solar Software and be sure.)
  • Roofing (At Sunbase, we provide roofing software specifically designed for your "Roofing Needs". If you wish to learn more about it, you can read our blog post, Sunbase- Best Roofing Company Software, after you strengthen your company's sales.)
  • Home Improvement
  • Alarm/Security
  • Telecom

By now, you should be sure whether you are going with the D2D Sales Strategy for your product based on the information we provided and further research of your own.

Now, Ask yourself if your product can be sold using D2D. YES! or NO?

If your answer is a "NO"

You should probably focus on improving your current sales strategy if it seems to be working alright for you, and instead of changing the entire Sales model, you can streamline the process by trying out CRM softwares.

And, to get a Head start on CRM, you can read all the different informational blogs on CRM. Click here.

If your answer is a "YES"

You can read the article ahead to discover more about the D2D Salesman, the most important element of a promising sales journey.


The heading gives away what we are going to cover in this section. But before that, Who is the hiring process for?

Well, to answer that briefly.

To have a successful D2D sales endeavour, you need to have a Door-to-door salesman, and to have a D2D sales rep, you need to hire one, hence, the hiring process.

There are a few things you always look for in a sales rep while recruiting, but it is essential to understand that there are a few additional requirements you will have to seek when it comes to a D2D rep, as the job is more demanding than sales performed using other methods.

So, let us go ahead and find the RIGHT answer to very valid questions you might have-

How to Recruit High-Performing Door-to-Door Sales Reps?

Everyone wants a high performer to keep their sales high; we will tell you in a few pointers how you can achieve that in terms of D2D sales reps.

It is crucial and expected to know or at least keep in mind the following:

  • The Qualities they should possess.
  • The Interview questions you ask them.

We will address the above in a minimal brief and quickly move on to other essential aspects there are to learn about the sales rep for door sales.

When we say Qualities, we mean the person you recruit should have the following:

  1. Perseverance
  2. Willingness to work hard
  3. Patience
  4. Should know how to handle objections

While these four are essential qualities, they are not the only ones, and we have covered that and more in the Guide on D2D Sales And Door To Door Salesman Tips.

So, when you interview for hiring a rep, make sure to look for the qualities and also ask them these questions.

Off the top of my head, you should ask them these questions to determine whether they fit the role.

  • Give us an instance where you had to persuade a person to do something they didn't want to.
  • Based on your daily lifestyle, illustrate how you would convince us you persevere and are hardworking.
  • Do you have any additional qualifications, tell us.

These are a few examples you can use. Moving on, we will focus on the Compensation Process, which entails the different methods you can resort to compensate the sales reps.


If the sales reps you've hired have the qualities you think are the best fit for your organization, you should compensate them accordingly.

If you’re looking to optimize the effectiveness of your door-to-door sales force, you’ll need to understand the different models of compensation that they can use.

The 3 Door to Door Sales Compensation Models

We will cover three of these models and how they can be used in various industries.

With the right compensation structure in place, you can ensure that your sales team is motivated and incentivized properly for maximum results. 

Commission Only Model 

The commission-only model is the simplest form of compensation for door-to-door sales teams.

Under this model, your employees are paid solely based on their performance.

Salespeople receive a straight commission on each sale, with no base salary or other benefits attached.

This model can be helpful when there is a low overhead cost associated with each sale.

Still, it also leaves your team vulnerable to fluctuations in performance due to factors outside their control (e.g. bad weather). 

Gross Margin Model 

The Gross Margin Model is a more dynamic approach to rewards for door-to-door salespeople.

In this model, employees are compensated based on the gross margin generated by each sale rather than just a flat commission rate.

This gives them a greater incentive to pursue more prominent and complex deals since they will be rewarded more handsomely for doing so.

It’s instrumental when variable costs are associated with each sale (e.g. installation fees) since it helps motivate employees to cover those costs while still generating a substantial profit margin for the company. 

Tiered Commission Model 

The Tiered Commission Model is one of the most popular approaches among large and small companies because it allows them to reward their reps based on volume and profitability without sacrificing one for the other.

Under this system, employees are rewarded at different rates depending on their success; higher tier levels typically come with higher commissions but may require additional qualifications or credentials from reps to reach them (such as meeting specific quotas or achieving certain milestones).

This method encourages teams to set goals and stay motivated over time while still being able to generate profits from sales processes during leaner times when sales may not be as plentiful as usual. 

The Ultimate Door To Door Sales Toolset

If you are generally skimming through the entire article, you probably came across a similar heading from the salespeople's POV.

So to tell you both, the companies and sales reps have tools designed especially for their needs jointly and severally, and all the most successful salespeople use them.

Let us take a peak at the Managers Toolset.

Tool #1: Territory Management

Tool #2: Sales Leaderboards

Tool #3: Rep Tracking

Tool #4: Sales Tracking

These are some tools that exist to serve the needs of your company's managers.

However, If you are wondering if owning these tools is worth it but purchasing them separately could become costly, we have a Sunbase solution for you!

Although we are eager to tell you all about Sunbase's D2D software before that, as we claimed in the introduction, we will give you that one piece of extra information no one tells you!

Generally speaking, it is essential business sense to plan and strategise if you are a manager or employee. But no one tells you that strategies are also essential for sales techniques.

So Regardless of whether you are a Manager or Sales Rep, you should read ahead if you are curious.

Unlocking the Power of Door-to-Door Sales Strategies 

Let's look at the most effective strategies you can use as a door-to-door salesman or a sales or HR manager with a D2D sales team.

The Sandler Sales Funnel 

The Sandler Sales Funnel is an effective strategy for generating leads and closing deals.

It consists of four steps: qualifying prospects, presenting solutions, handling objections and closing the sale.

This method requires you to be assertive but not pushy to ensure that you’re targeting the right people interested in your product or service.

Using this method, you'll quickly identify which prospects are worth pursuing and which aren't worth your time and what the prospect's pain points are to address them. 

The Relationship Building Strategy 

Another effective strategy for door-to-door sales is to focus on building relationships with potential customers.

This involves taking the time to get to know them and their needs so that you can better tailor your pitch and ultimately close more deals.

Building relationships also helps foster trust between yourself and potential customers.

This trust is key when closing a deal because it shows customers that they can rely on you for quality products or services. 

The Discovery Method

The discovery method involves uncovering customer needs through conversations rather than direct selling techniques.

By asking open-ended questions such as “What do you need help with?” or “How can I help you?” you can get insight into what solutions would appeal most to your potential customer base.

This method allows you to tailor your pitch according to each customer's needs and wants, thus increasing the likelihood of success when it comes time to close the deal. 

I hope you understand the methods and will try and implement the said methods to be a successful salesman and not just a good one.

Circling back to the question we left dangling in your head, How is Sunbase a resort to avoid using multiple software?

Sunbase - Door-To-Door Canvassing Software

D2D Canvassing Software can help you plan to knock on doors for your sales campaign or sales itself.

Sunbase offers all the toolsets discussed as features making it a one-stop solution for all your requirements and making more sales.

The Software facilitates the following tasks:

  • Create Assigned territory
  • Auto-Capture Property Addresses
  • Track Key Performance Indicators
  • Check Schedules & Book Appointments
  • Generate Canvassing Reports

To know more, visit our page or get in touch with us through the comments below.

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